- Get Money for your Sneakers by letting SoleSickness.com sell for you.
– The easiest way to sell shoes online without having to create your own online store, dealing with fraudulent buyers, taking pictures and you would great exposure with our popular website and Facebook Fan page.
– A great way of selling shoes and buying shoes without the hassle of meeting up with people and making sure you aren’t getting scammed
– We will make sure the shoes are authentic and payments will be sent ASAP
– Ship your shoes to
Darryl Duran
1820 E. 218th St, Carson, CA 90745
Contact ceo@solesickness.com
– We will agree on the price you will sell it
– You will receive 90% of the price which SoleSickness.com will get only 10% compared to other stores that charge anywhere from 25% to 35%
– You must include your name and location.
– Your post will be listed to my website and solesickness.com fans page which is generating over 200,000 – 500,000 page views a day and 67,500 fans and growing. Last month hit over 8 Millions views
– Sellers that withdraw their shoes at any time, they will be a $15.00 surcharge per pair for any shoes withdrawn.